
Baba’s Yarn

The Details CVM, Hucaya Alpaca, & Romney Fingering to DK, approx 245yds Little Buddy is obsessed with The Mitten. I’ve read it every night for 6 weeks in a row. And every night, halfway through the book, he says to me “Mommy, I wish I had snow white mittens just like Nicki.” You would think…


The Yarnometer

I’ve joined a group on FB, A Spinner’s Study, that is dedicated to learning and fine tuning the mechanics of spinning. I’ve learned A LOT by just lurking, which is pretty much all I’ve had time to do since my family has this annoying habit of wanting to eat and wear clean clothes every goddamn…


Brownie Batter

The Details CVM, Sari Silk, Soffsilk, Angelina, and Firestar Worsted, 2 oz, approx 100yds   I don’t have much to say about this skein – it went togther so quickly I barely took any notes or pictures of it. It’s just a simple two ply worsted weight yarn, all the interesting bits come from the fiber…