
Winter Daffodils

The Details 1.85oz of Romney 13wpi/Fingering Weight approx 115yds It is bitterly cold here. On my commute yesterdy morning the warmest temp my car recorded was 0deg Farenheit. This is by no means strange for MI in Feb but that fact doesn’t make it any easier to bear. We’re all desperately craving a little bit of…


Gradient Rainbows

This month’s spinning challenge is all about color. And math. The colors did not blend completely as I anticipated. The red is bit on the cool side and the blue has quite a bit of green in it so it tends to get muddy in places. Blending was also not as thorough as it could have been…


Barbie Girl

The Details 2.75oz of Blue Faced Leicester, Banana Silk, Border Leceister, Costwold, Merino, & a shit ton of vm 7wpi/Bulky Weight approx 60yds This yarn languished for what feels like forever on my wheel. I really wanted to love it because I felt so good about buying it from a local artist at a wine…