
The Weekly(ish) skein

As 2014 comes to an end it’s only natural to take a step back and assess the year. It’s been a crazy one, not bad, just exhausting. It feels like every day is a marathon of kid wrangling, commuting, work emails, and then more commuting and kid wrangling. It’s left me and NA Slacker physically…


Sunflower Scarf

My loom was feeling neglected, so in an effort to actually use some of my handspun I grabbed a commercial superwash sock yarn of long-forgotten origin for the warp and spun up a beautiful colorway named Vincent’s Sunflowers from Kitty Mine Crafts into a thick and thin single for the weft. The result is the…


Sea Glass

Rollags made on my Fancy Kitty Blending Pallette – Romney washed and dyed by me, Gotland washed and kept in natural tones, and Soffsilk from Camaj Fiber Arts.