The Details
4oz Superwash Merino, Soffsilk, & Firestar coil plyed with a long forgotten brand of worsted acrylic
appox 187yds

I’ve had a very complicated relationship with this skein. The base of superwash merino was originally meant for a holiday fiber swap. My swappee(?) liked to spin very fine sock yarn, and since I don’t have much in my stash that’s suitable for that type of spinning, I ordered a batt only to have it show up absolutely reeking of smoke. Since I didn’t want to give the gift of known carcinogens I shoved it back into its bag, figuring I’d deal with it later. Due to the complete insanity that is the holiday rush I never got around to sending it back. So, a few months ago, after a rousing game of “What’s that Smell????” I found it again, washed it, and dyed it in the hopes of salvaging what I could.

It then fell victim to my drunken fiber prep spree one night. But, even after I sobered up, I kinda digged the rollags. They reminded me of my childhood in the 80’s - neon, sparkles, and glitter FTW!

After the laceweight ordeal I definitely needed something with something with texture so  grabbed these, only to immediately start cursing while spinning them. Drafting ease changed by the day – I could be super consistent one day and then be able to produce nothing but thick and thin the next. It was extremely frustrating, and while this was completely due to my own state of mind, because I currently live with this:

All he wants is the remote. And your will to live.

Life is hard when mom won’t let you chew on the remote

I instead chose to blame the fiber, because toddlers may be melodramatic assholes, but this one is MY little melodramatic asshole.

Things took a turn for the better when I started plying. I had initially thought I would just 2 ply from a center pull ball, but something about the single just begged to be coiled. I grabbed a random sparkley acrylic from downstairs and as I was plying I started to fall in love with it all over again.


Now I just need to find a little girl who wants to be a witch for halloween, because this is just begging to be a costume shawl.