Because I am a glutton for punishment, along with all of my prep for winter, Halloween, and trying to finish up a few lingering projects I’ve also signed up for Spinzilla this year (Team Storey Publishing FTW!) I can totally do this! The boys don’t eat what I cook anyway, so I’ve given that up. Along with any hope that I’ll ever be all caught up on the laundry. Or have a clean house. So I now have LOADS of time to do all this.
To keep myself motivated I chose a pattern to spin for that spoke to me on many levels – yarn! beer! and most importantly – easy enough that I can combine the two without disastrous results! (my level requirement is way low)
I spent the first week of September dyeing and carding some of cvm, romeldale, and silk into some beautiful fall colors-
For expediency’s sake I decided to turn it all into rollags. So I starting blending, and carding, and holy shit, it took fucking forever. Somehow I ended up with 160 rollags, although by about the 50th I was done trying to be creative and think methodically – so I just let the kids go at it.
- I'm never buying toys again - all they want to do is get into my shit
- Drum roll!
- Toddlers playing with sharp pointy things - what could go wrong???
- Someone quickly learned that you have to be very very careful around mommy's tools.
I should be set. My wheel is oiled, my bobbins are cleared, and I’m happy with the fiber results. Spinzilla even reposted my pic of Rollag Mountain!