The Details

Nurmilintu by Heidi Alexander

Cascase 220 Heathers, Lichen

Occasionally I get a chance to knit and sometimes I even finish a project.

I’ve been working on this shawl for about 5 months. Any halfway decent knitter could easily finish this pattern in about a week or two – it has that wonderful combo of mind numbingly easy parts to help you zone out with a few lace sections to keep you from falling asleep.

Apparently I do not fit my own definition of a halfway decent knitter.

In my defense, not only is my knitting time limited, but it also tends to coincide with my beer time. This starts out as a GREAT combination but gets ugly pretty fast.


I stopped counting how many times I frogged that first lace section at 4, but it was at least 6 times.

However, it’s done! Yay! Time to cast on for something I’ll finish next fall.